"Through odd little details hovering on the edges of our visual consciousness, slightly discombobulating angles that are not quite as head-on as they at first seem to be, intrusive off-kilter objects that interrupt the natural flow of our eye, Slesnick shares with us his vision of the world:  Use your eyes to discover the truth."  Daytona Beach (FL) News-Journal



The results of Slesnick’s efforts in this photograph can be seen on the Mexico page. See the image titled Edith, the Barber’s Sister.

                                                                                                           Photo by Steve Vaughn

.... personal and professional



M.F.A.  in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design (1993)


B.S.  in pharmacy from the University of Florida (1965)

Major Awards:

Thank you Denver, St. Louis, Kansas City, Winter Park, Raleigh, Ann Arbor, Fort Worth, and all the other shows we did from 1974 to 2006, for your wonderful support and for your enthusiasm for my work. Your patronage through the years has been truly appreciated, and the many friends we made along the way, both colleague and collector, made it an even more remarkable experience for us.

Although my wife Ella and I have retired from the art show circuit, we remain active in that field of endeavor by volunteering our time at various art fairs around the country, and by continuing to support our colleagues' efforts to make a living at what they do best: Bringing great art to the masses and to the streets of America's finest art shows and festivals.

Here are some of the awards we garnered through the years...


International Grand Award Winner, M.I.L.K. (Moments of Intimacy, Laughter, and Kinship) competition (2000; website, http://www.milkphotos.com)


Individual Artist Fellowship, State of Florida, 1999


Cherry Creek Art Festival (Denver, CO): Merit Award, 2006; 2nd place overall, 2004


St. Louis Art Festival: 1st place, 2006, 2005, 2003; 2nd place, 2004


Kansas City Plaza: Jury Award, 2005; Photography juror, 2004; Juror’s Award, 2003


Winter Park (FL) Sidewalk Art Festival: Best of Show, 1994; Morse Museum Award, 1999; 1st place, 1998, 1996; 2nd place, 2006, 2005, 2003; 3rd place, 2000; Award of Distinction, 2006; Merit Award, 2004, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1984


Magic City Arts Festival (Birmingham, AL): Best of Show, 2005, 2004; Spider Martin Award, 2003; Merit Award, 2002


Gasparilla Arts Festival (Tampa, FL): Best of Show, 2001; Award of Distinction,1994; Friends of Library Award, 2002; Merit Award, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997,1996, 1995


Smoky Hill River Arts Festival (Salina, KS): Best of Show, 2005, 2003; Merit Award, 2004


Artsplosure (Raleigh, NC): Best of Show, 2004; 2nd place, 2003; Honorable Mention, 2005; Award of Distinction, 2006


Ocala (FL) Fine Arts Festival: Best of Show, 2000; Award of Distinction, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1996; Merit Award, 2002, 1999, 1998


International Print Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain: Gold Medal (Best of Show), 1996; Silver Medal (2nd place), 1995, 1997


Winter Park Autumn Art Festival: Best of Show, 1995, 1983; Award of Distinction,1994; Merit Award, 1998, 1996


Coconut Grove Arts Festival (Miami, FL): 1st place, 2006, 1999, 1998, 1996; 2nd place, 1997


Beaux Arts (Miami, FL): 1st place, 1999, 2001; Award of Excellence, 2000


Lakefront (Milwaukee, WI); Invitation to Return Award, 2005


Original Ann Arbor Art Fair: Award of Excellence, 1998


Maitland (FL) Art Festival: 1st place, 2004, 2002, 2001, 1998, 1997; 2nd place,2003, 2000


Festival of the Masters (at Disney World, Orlando, FL): 1st place, 2001, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1990, 1976, 1975; 2nd place, 1999, 1998, 1997; 3rd place, 2002; Merit Award, 2000, 1995, 1992


Gainesville (FL) Spring Arts Festival: Award of Excellence, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998; Award of Merit, 2003


ArtFest (Fort Myers, FL): 2nd place, 2-D, 2005


Great Gulfcoast Art Festival (Pensacola, FL): Award of Merit, 2005; Award of Excellence, 2003


Virginia-Highland Art Festival (Atlan