"This body of work exposes the bare essence of household furnishings and memorabilia with a touch of emotion, making the viewer feel almost right at home on the sofa in the living room or amid the family portraits of a stranger. Through their vivid and natural colors, the photos almost speak of a familiar identity."   Savannah (GA) News-Press 

The Doctor's Office


* Schoolroom (Temáx, Mexico)


The Calendar


Sr. Basto


* Two Bicycles and Boy on Bed Watching TV


Machine Shop



* The Wedding Party


The Barber and the Rifleman



Teresa Torres (Washing Dishes)


The Singer Sewing Machine


** Sr. Rosel's Hats



Testament on a Green Wall


*Jesus on a Red Wall



*El Niño en la Cocina (The Boy in the Kitchen)



La Puerta al Baño (The Door to the Bathroom)



*The Barber and the Bandit


*Edith, the Barber's Sister


* Bicycle Repair Shop (Hunucmá, Mexico)


*Hot Pink Wall in Progresso


Liliana's Kitchen


* Aunt Edith's House


Jesus on a Green Wall


* Kitchen (Baca, Mexico)


The Tequila Bottles in Sr. Rosel's Bedroom


** La Puerta Verde (The Green Door)

Sr. Contrero

(click on an image to see a larger view)


   All titles on this page are available as original, limited edition photographs. Click here for   description of process


* Images with a red asterisk are also available in the Signature Series


* Images with a blue asterisk are also available in the Grande Series


   For additional information on both series, please see Purchase Information page.



All images are © Les Slesnick. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.


Salina Project   Courtland Project   Dunedin Project
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