"Whatever the subject, however luminous or evanescent the color, Slesnick's prints work because they are so elegantly and precisely composed of systems of interlocking lines and graceful architectonic forms....Still, what strikes viewers first and most lastingly about Slesnick's work is its sheer beauty -- and that is how it should be."  Winter Park (FL) Outlook 

Bed on a Green and Red Wall (Mexico)


Wilfredo's Bedroom (Mexico)


Jesus and the Red Telehone Redux (Mexico)


The Clock and St. Sebastian (Mexico)


The Red Sofa (Mexico)


Wilfredo, Still Mourning (Mexico)


Ace Hardware (Mexico)


The Three Faces of Fernando the Barber (Mexico)


La Bicicleta (Mexico)


La Casa del Maestro (Mexico)


Still Life (Mexico)


La Mesa (Mexico)


Los Aspectos (Mexico)


La Cortina (Mexico)


Andrea's Bedroom (Mexico)


The Last Supper (Mexico)


Remembrances (Mexico)


La Cama (Mexico)


Pinocchio (Mexico)


Guadalupe and Her Wedding Photo (Mexico)




All images are © Les Slesnick. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.


Salina Project   Courtland Project   Dunedin Project
Mexico   Mexico II   Cuba and Colombia  U.K. &  Italy   U.S.A.   New Work 
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